Learning to cash out digital currency earnings
Over the past year, we have had more than 5,000 questions in various support departments of Honar Iranian Holding regarding methods of cashing out income from the sale of NFT tokens.
And we decided to provide the necessary training in this regard in the simplest possible way.
In the first stage, it is enough to know that with the support of Iranian Art Holding, you do not need technical knowledge or any related action to issue your NFT token. All you need to do is complete the NFT issuance request form or specialized NFT advertising form from the NFT menu and entrust all specialized and scientific measures with the highest quality to the experts of Iranian Art Holding.
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You need to know
To cash out your foreign exchange earnings (various types of digital currencies) after selling your NFT token, you do not need any overseas services. Simply by creating an account on one of the digital exchanges and authenticating your identity, you can register your bank card number and cash out your digital currency earnings.
In general, a significant number of financial and credit companies in Iran have opened digital exchanges, and of course, some of these digital exchanges have security and information symbols, but in general, in the current situation, none of these platforms are and will not be 100% reliable; and our suggestion as a reliable consultant in the field of public and specialized NFT services at the Mana Art Support Institute is to use these infrastructures only to liquidate your assets in short periods of time.
As your expert companion, we have tested the registration path on some of these platforms (more than 30 platforms and only some had usable infrastructure) and have created an invitation link for you so that you can use their services with a referral.
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You can use the Iranian Art Holding referral codes or the links below to create a free (digital) currency account on domestic exchanges and use it to cash out your earnings from buying and selling NFTs. According to agreements in some of these exchanges, you will receive a discount on fees and free digital currency for introducing a valid referrer.
Profitable digital currency
Valid digital currency
Conversion Brokerage; tabdeal.org
With identifier code: 1aeso6
Free Tether for artists and artistic NFT
Nobitex Brokerage; nobitex.ir
With reference code: 9109462
Free Shiba, Free Ethereum
Wallex Brokerage; wallex.ir
With identifier code: srsckwx
Best cryptocurrency exchange
OK Exchange Brokerage; ok-ex.io
With reference code: 753379
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Iranian Card Brokerage; iranicard.ir
With reference code: 11550766
Trusted cryptocurrency exchange
If you need anything, please contact the experts in the field of NFT at Honar Holding. They will be happy to answer your questions.
If you use the Honar Holding identification code, request a free, specialized consultation.