Information you need from Iranian gold
You’ve probably bought gold before. Now the gold can only be used for jewelry or for other purposes, such as investing or even saving. As you know, the price of gold in Iran has a new rate every day, and this increase in prices encourages many to buy gold.
Buy gold, the best price of gold
Given these statistics and the growing number of people buying gold, the question is, how should buyers ensure the authenticity of the gold or jewelry they buy?
Buying gold, the best price of gold, buying gold installments, how to buy gold, how to know the original gold, gold investment
According to gold officials, all gold shops are inspected and sampled every two months by inspectors from the Jewelry Union so that counterfeit gold is not made, but it is still very difficult for those who do not know enough about gold to identify the original and counterfeit gold.
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Guide to buying gold in Iran
If you are planning to buy gold, you should have some basic information before buying it. Follow us to share with you important and very useful information about buying gold in Iran and to help you increase your practical information.
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Know before you buy
Before you buy gold, you need to know that 24 carat gold is the most valuable gold. Of course, 24 carat gold is not suitable for jewelry. To say that gold has a grade of 10 means that if gold is divided into 24 parts, 10 parts are pure gold and the other 14 parts are other metals such as carbon, silver, zinc or nickel.
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Gold and jewelry in Iran are often made of 18 carat gold. According to the above definitions, 18 parts of it are pure gold and 6 parts are made of other metals. So we conclude that the higher the gold standard, the more valuable and expensive that gold will be.
Buy gold, the best price of gold
Be sure to know …
Another thing you need to know is that under no circumstances should you be fooled by something called 24 carat gold. This type of gold only exists in the form of ingots and cannot be used to make jewelry due to its softness. That’s why goldsmiths have to add some other metals to it to make it workable.
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Know the terms related to gold:
Weight: Each weight of gold is equal to 4.608 grams.
Three values: Each gram of gold is equal to 1000 whistles.
Qirat: Each carat of gold is equal to 200 whistles.
Azadi quarter quarter coin: weighs 2,025,200 grams with a grade of 900. (Score 22 is also read)
Azadi Spring Half Coin: Weighs 0.665 grams with a grade of 900.
Azadi Spring Coin: Weight equal to 8/133 with a grade of 900
Remuneration: For each gram of gold you have to pay as a reward to the goldsmith. Gold rents can vary, and gold rents are usually higher with newer models.
Gold Quote or Price:The daily price of gold or quote or in all three has the same meaning. The price of gold day is usually announced by the union. In Iran, the suspicion is usually based on a 17-carat gold medal. Of course, the price of one gram of melted 18-carat gold is also used as a quote.
Buying gold, the best price of gold, buying gold installments, how to buy gold, how to know the original gold, the gold factor, counterfeit gold, the difference between gold and platinum
Increasing your information is in the best interest of professionals and professionals
Signs hacked on gold
Signs that indicate the gold standard of jewelry are usually hacked on the part of the gold that is not in front of the eyes. In Iran, because 18-carat gold is common, you should look for the phrase 18k on your gold. K actually indicates the grade of gold, and the first word karat means grade.
Of course, it is not possible to determine for yourself whether the gold is genuine or counterfeit. Some goldsmiths even admit that they still make mistakes when it comes to technical gold detection courses.
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Recognize second-hand gold
Experts say there is no perfect way to tell if gold is second-hand, which has been used sparingly and then sold, but in general, the best way to detect second-hand gold is to look closely at the appearance of gold, especially gold locks and locks. These parts are usually more brittle and less shiny in second-hand gold than in new gold. In some cases, there are even scratches on them.
Buying gold, the best price of gold, buying gold installments, how to buy gold, how to know the original gold, the gold factor, counterfeit gold, the difference between gold and platinum
Important points in buying and selling jewelry and gold
Buying and selling jewelry and gold is one of the sales that has many secrets and stories, and of course it requires basic skills. Let’s start by completely separating gold from buying jewelry and then learning the art. Let’s buy and sell jewelry and gold.
Now you should know that any artificial that is made of 18 carat gold and has precious and semi-precious stones is called jewelry so that the weight of jewelry or semi-precious stone overcomes the weight of gold and gold products are the same raw and pure gold works. 18 carat (in Iran) is said to be offered without any stones.
Buying gold, the best price of gold, buying gold installments, how to buy gold, how to know the original gold, the gold factor, counterfeit gold, the difference between gold and platinum
What is the difference between gold and jewelry?
The difference between gold and jewelry is that no precious stones are used in the work, but precious stones are installed on the work. These stones may be atomic or original to the jewels used. Atomic jewelry and jewelry used as the original stone are called original jewelry.
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The way jewelry is bought and sold is different from gold:
1- Gold sales = daily price per gram of gold + construction fee + sales profit (7 or 8%)
2- Jewelry sales = daily price per gram of gold + rent including (value of used stones / jewelry making base / cost and other costs) + seller profit (15% to 20%) As the way of buying gold with jewelry shines, their terms of sale by the consumer together There is a difference in the work made of gold. The seller’s rent and profit are deducted and purchased at the daily rate, but the way of selling jewelry that I emphasize and order in maintaining the purchase invoice is to pay attention to all the necessary factors. (15% to 20%) They pay deductions and deductions or deductions from the price of the day listed in the invoice and pay the price to its owner.
Buy gold, the best price of gold
Complete information on buying and selling jewelry and gold
The first category is those who are very interested in their appearance and these items are an integral part of their daily lives, parties and celebrations.
The second category consists of those who consider the purchase of valuable jewelry the best and safest savings.
The third group consists of a combination of two groups. Undoubtedly, you are one of the three groups that have chosen to read this article due to their interest in gold and jewelry and more familiarity with buying and selling jewelry and gold.
If you want to always shine in a group, experience a safe investment and, most importantly, increase your capital every day, the tips in this article will be the best guide for making the right choice.
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● Gold that is not gold!
It’s true that the first image that comes to mind of gold is yellow or white, but gold actually comes with a series of chemical processes and combinations with other metals and plating operations in any color (red, black, yellow, pink, green, etc.). Can be.
For example, red gold is made from a combination of copper alloy, white gold is made from a combination of plaid or silver, and indium is used to make gold blue. In fact, the great variety of gold colors, apart from the design and model, has become one of the ways to make this industry prosperous.
Some sellers sell white gold more expensively when they sell it, but they buy it cheaper than yellow gold. Although yellow gold is better when melted, this difference is very small and you should know that there is no such law.
You will definitely have a lot of information when buying gold
● The best way to buy jewelry
In general, we have 4 types of gemstones (diamonds, emeralds, sapphires and rubies) and a large number of semi-precious stones such as amethyst, citrine, pumping, etc., which turn these gems into gold into jewelry. Many jewelers are concerned about which stone to prioritize when buying jewelry, or to determine the quality of the stone. In general, gemstone is valued for 3 reasons.
Beauty and radiance, scarcity and durability; Berlian stone, which is a type of diamond, is higher than other stones in terms of luster and durability, and since it has been well managed since its inception, it has a good supply and demand market, but emeralds and sapphires are more scarce and quality. The top of them is very valuable and makes them more and more expensive, but it is beyond the reach of ordinary people to determine the quality of all the stones.
For example, you may buy a diamond ring on which the seller will charge a lot of money for the stone, but when you sell it, you will find that the diamond used in the ring is due to poor cutting and impurities, and is not worth the money you pay. .
To avoid this problem, the only way left is to buy from jewelry stores that are reputable and guarantee the purchased item.
Reputable jewelry stores will deduct only 15 to 20 percent of your payment when you sell, while you may incur significant losses if you do not have a valid invoice when selling jewelry.
Buying gold, the best price of gold, buying gold installments, how to buy gold, how to know the original gold, the gold factor, counterfeit gold, the difference between gold and platinum
. Wage making jewelry
The basis for making jewelry is determined by its design. Gold made by machine and in high circulation has a lower manufacturing wage, and those that are handmade and more limited have a higher manufacturing wage, but this does not mean that all the gold made by the machine is low-wage, but the complexity of the design and type of ride.
Usually, people who do not look at gold only as a purchase of capital, but also about its uniqueness and beauty, are willing to pay any price to build a unique design.
You will definitely have a lot of information when buying gold
Important points in buying and selling jewelry and gold:
It has previously been said that the best gold for Iranians is 18 carat gold.
One question that customers often ask goldsmiths is, what is the gold standard we buy? The thing about gold and its grade, and you may not know it, is that the lowest grade of gold is one grade, and the highest is 24 degrees. But if we are to say what is the best type of grade for Iranians to buy? The answer is nothing but 18 carat gold.
Recognize second-hand gold from its lock.
The second-hand gold market has been hot for a long time; Recognizing first- and second-hand gold may be somewhat difficult. The easiest way to recognize second-hand gold is to look at its appearance, especially the lock and clasp used in it.
In second-hand gold, these parts are less shiny compared to other parts, and due to the uses of gold, scratches can be seen in these parts.
Buying gold, the best price of gold, buying gold installments, how to buy gold, how to know the original gold, the gold factor, counterfeit gold, the difference between gold and platinum
Full description of gold 24:
The unit of measure is the purity of gold alloys and other precious metals. The gold standard is usually expressed in full unit 24. For example, 24 carat gold is pure gold with at least 99.9 percent gold, and 18 carat gold is 75 percent gold and 25 percent other metal.
Pure gold is not suitable for making more items due to its softness, which is why most of the gold used in jewelry is not pure gold, and goldmakers add copper and silver to it to make it lower to make jewelry. The coming of the grade can be made.
In Iran, grade 18 is used, but in Arab countries, the grade of gold varies between 20 and 24, and in European countries or the United States, grade 14 is usually used. So by no means do I want to convey that I recommend for the mother to be inactive.
The only gold that is pure 24 carat gold is gold bullion, and because bullion is a soft metal, you can’t make jewelry from it alone.
You will definitely have a lot of information when buying gold
How to distinguish gold from silver and platinum?
Distinguishing gold from silver and platinum is easy. According to a general principle, most gold is loaded with the English letter K next to a number indicating its grade. The silver is marked with an oval mark, and platinum is marked with the letters PT, so you don’t have to work hard to tell the difference.
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What if the gold we bought was counterfeit?
First of all, be sure to buy gold from units that are under the jurisdiction of the Jewelry Union and have a license, so that if a violation occurs, it can be followed up by the union.
Every gold shop has issued an invoice for the gold product, in fact guaranteeing the gold you bought and is responsible for whether it is genuine or counterfeit. The sales invoice states that the gold is 18 carat gold, and the manufacturer’s brand is known to indicate the seller’s identity.
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Validity of the gold factor
So you need to always be careful about your gold purchase factor so that you can follow up if there is a problem. On the other hand, you will not be able to sell your gold without a purchase invoice. Because it is not possible to prove that you own gold, and no gold shop can buy it from you. Unless the gold seller knows you.
If you lose your gold invoice, go to the unit where you bought the gold immediately. By giving the exact date of the gold purchase, the seller can issue you a duplicate invoice after confirming the purchase. Note that the exact date of purchase of gold must be remembered.
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For investment, coins are better than gold
If you are one of those people who want to buy gold and thus have capital for yourself, it is better to buy coins of your choice. The value of gold is the same for both, but coins, unlike jewelry, do not make up.
When it comes to selling jewelry, it costs less to make money.
Buy gold, the best price of gold
You can buy and sell your jewelry with the help of consultants and expert colleagues of Iranian Art Holding Holding to complete your information and, if necessary, use the international relations of Holding …