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art Education; A valid job

Scientific and specialized training, support before and after training and obtaining a valid degree in a safe and professional environment

Using modern technology and simplifying communication in the field of knowledge transfer of professors and idea makers of the art industry; It can greatly help in increasing the quality of works of art and giving direction to young and contemporary artists

Face-to-face and virtual (off-face)

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Art education courses, webinars, and workshops

In non-Persian languages, contact us to get the list of courses

To participate in online courses, after registering (completing the purchase form)

The login link, username, and password will be emailed and texted to you.

And it is accessible from 15 minutes before the exact class start time.

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کلیک کنید5412تلفیق خوشنویسی و نقاشیعلی حشمتیموسسه هنری همایون فر1401/03/158فارسی750.000 ت50مجازی
کلیک کنید4676پرتره با پاستل گچیحمید پور جعفرشخصی1401/02/2010فارسی
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500.000 ت5مجازی
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1400/12/014فارسیرایگان100 نفرحضوری و مجازی
کلیک کنید4585آداب معنوی در نگارگریمحمد علی رجبیدانشگاه هنرهای اسلامی ایرانی
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Non-Persian languages are also supported, please contact us
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Original price was: 5 $.Current price is: 4 $. Provider: Kalhor Publish

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Terms of cooperation in the field of education

Special for art teachers

Teaching and being a member of the academic staff of the Center for Specialized Education of Iranian Art

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